1. This is also what I mean by Ayers’ class-attitude (which is shared by, and hence problematic, in a lot of British philosophy – even Hume himself doesn’t escape it). The principle of verifiability, however, may become a means to arbitrarily reject any abstract or transcendent concept, such as “truth,” “justice,” or "virtue." Rather, we would insist that  they had counted wrong, and I pointed out that we would say exactly the same thing if thirty or even three hundred people had counted them and got “six” as a result. More than that, they are some of the most heavily and hotly disputed of all the things we say. He argues that metaphysical statements have no literal meaning, and that they cannot be subjected to criteria of truth or falsehood. Literal meaning is an attribute of statements that are either analytic or empirically verifiable. However, Ayer himself later rejected much of his own work. And I was hoping to spend the week-end reading Perry Mason novels. The title of the book was taken ("To some extent plagiarized" according to Ayer) from Friedrich Waismann's Logik, Sprache, Philosophie.[1]. 2. But a small matter: Ayers: “But we do not attempt to show by our arguments that he has the ‘wrong’ ethical feeling towards a situation whose nature he has correctly apprehended. Ayer’s answer here is interesting, but is no longer considered viable today, insofar as it depends on a now defunct program. So what does Ayer do with mathematical sentences? A.J. According to Ayer, if a statement expresses an empirical proposition, then the validity of the proposition is established by its empirical verifiability. If the meaning of propositions is defined by verifiability, then philosophy cannot provide speculative truths about metaphysical statements that cannot be empirically verified. For example, the sentence that “Podocarpus is a genus of conifers” seems meaningful to me, as a botanical statement, yet I have no idea how to identify a tree or shrub as a podocarpus. Enter your email address to follow The Electric Agora and receive notifications of new posts by email. Rationalism asserts that there are truths about the world that can be known by a priori reasoning, or independently of experience. Interesting essay because you touch on mathematics which is externally verifiable vs the morals that are internally verifiable or shared emotional values. I assume Ayer had a solid background in logic. However, i admit mild surprise that Ayers is more Kantian than I remember…. Without this background, the apparatus of the Verification Principle looks as if it’s motivated by nothing more than a narrow scientism, so I took some time to explain to my students that the Logical Positivists were concerned about the role the sort of metaphysical and mystical statements coming out of 19th century Romantic nationalism were playing in the fascist politics that was developing across the continent in the early 20th: “Blood moves the wheels of history” and “The folk is rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood” were just two of several examples I gave of the sort of thing I wanted them to think about, when engaging with the Verification Principle. What does a damaged institution look like? Was Ayer’s theory meaningful in the sense of his own theory? In considering how to distinguish between a conscious man and an unconscious machine,[2] Ayer also anticipates the development in 1950 of the Turing test to test a machine's capability to demonstrate intelligence (consciousness). Spelling out an alternative theory of meaning is a large job. It seems reasonable to think, moreover, that had there not been these sorts of factual disagreements, there likely would have been less conflicts in attitudes. "Like" our page on Facebook, follow us on Twitter by clicking the links below! Analytic observations give us new knowledge, because they reveal unsuspected implications of our statements and beliefs. Join the discussion! Is there a publicly acknowledgeable or acceptable answer to the question, “Is /this/ damage to the institution of marriage?” in the same way that there is to the questions, “Is /this/ a cave?” or “Are there three of /these/?” I’m not saying the damaged-institution sentence isn’t meaningful; I’m just saying it seems to lie between sentences like “God is eternal love” and “There are three caves on Pluto” on a we-could-explain-how-to-show-it’s-true-or-false spectrum. By the verification principle, meaningful statements have conditions under which their validity can be affirmed or denied. Ayer proposes a third criterion for meaningfulness and that brings us to VP, which says: A sentence is meaningful if and only if one could, in principle, explain how one would go about showing it was true or false. Ethical or aesthetic concepts are seen as having no factual content, and therefore cannot be accepted as valid or invalid. Anyway, more to come if I have time this week-end. Definitions cannot be “verified”. But it’s only a definition. I’ll be talking about the final readings for my Introduction to Philosophy course, three chapters from A.J. No. Even the word-salad of somebody suffering from dissociative schizophrenia has meaning for the people needing to treat the sufferer – at bare minimum, it is a sign that the person is suffering from dissociative schizophrenia.


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