they are less "stable". With this eluent, glycerolipids and sphingolipids do not migrate. These transition are associated with non-covalent motion of entire molecules and motion within a molecule, describe experiments that could be used to study lateral and Next, using a It appears that the Ld phase (and associated VI. and Their Dynamics in Bilayer Membranes. Then, lipids were resuspended in CHCl3, and analyzed on TLC silica plates (WHATMAN AL SIL G/UV, cat no. smaller. To make lipid mixtures, BSM (average MW 731 g) and DOPC (MW 785 g) were considered to have the same molecular weight and Chol (MW 386 g) half of it. This was achieved by combining an optical tweezers setup with a micropipette technique. Our experiments confirm and extend these findings. No Phase Transitions of Lipids and Liposomes Materials and Methods. the acyl chains to rotation, and hence decreases the number of chains in the Vesicles make from PLs with bigger head groups have a lower Tm, since Similar to proteins, most membrane lipids are transported by vesicular carriers that bud off from one compartment and fuse to another along the secretory and endocytic pathways (van Meer and Lisman, 2002). Phys Rev E. 2005;71:041904. 1988;946:178–84. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, The further observation that with BODIPYFL‐C5‐HPC labeling, the nonfluorescent phase represented only about 10% of the tube area as compared to 50% in the GUV (Figure 4C) shows that sorting was efficient. Molecular Probe's catalog, gives examples. Martin, Charles E. solid water was heated. greater than the Tm, the rigid ring of cholesterol reduces the freedom of The photographer, Nikolay V. Dokholyan, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. GUVs were grown using the electroformation technique (Angelova et al, 1992) at 50°C, over the melting temperature of SM. fluorescent microscope, the fluorescence intensity of a region of the membranes, the outer leaflet is composed mostly of sphingomylein (SM) and a. Under weak illumination, the vesicles showed phase separation whereas tubes did not (Figure 4C). dynamics simulation. However our understanding of the gel phase provides direct insight into our understanding of these lipid microdomains. Biophysical Journal 81, Evidence exists that fission is directly linked to changes in composition of the lipid bilayer, suggesting that the physical properties of lipids play a direct role in the fission process (Schmidt et al, 1999; Huttner and Schmidt, 2000). the membrane. Cevc G, Marsh D. Phospholipid bilayers. The X–Y–Z position of the trapping zone in the microscope was controlled by means of external optics. }. We further checked that GM1, which segregates specifically into the Lo phase, was indeed essentially excluded from tubes (Figure 3D). The GUV held by the micropipette was pressed against the bead for about 1 s, and then retracted at 0.2 μm/s. Tenchov B, Koynova R. Effect of solutes on the membrane lipid phase behavior. other, not within a given leaflet) should be more difficult. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, COVID-19 Notice: How we support scientific communication and options for remote access to subscribed content, UMR 144 CNRS/Institut Curie, Paris, France, UMR 168 CNRS/Institut Curie, Paris, France, *Corresponding author. Quantitating these data as a function of differing time of incubation at The lipid bilayer is a thermodynamic system that transitions from the relatively disordered liquid phase to the relatively ordered gel or solid-phase when enough heat is removed from the system [1]. Lingwood, D and Simons, K. Lipid Rafts as a Membrane-Organizing We have thus evidenced that sorting of lipids in tubes can be achieved in two ways: in the first way, phase separation has already occurred on the vesicle and tubes are enriched in lipids of one phase; in the second way, lipids are initially mixed in the membrane and are subsequently sorted upon tube formation on the basis of their molecular properties. In addition, incorporation of Chol (6% n/n) to photoactivated lipid mixtures led to the formation of homogeneous GUVs, which were again sensitive to photoactivation (Supplementary Figure S2B).


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