Temperament traits of beef calves measured under field conditions and their relationships to performance. Genetics of fighting ability in cattle using data from the traditional battle contest of the Valdostana breed. The primary focus of selection pressure primarily on “output” traits such as carcass weight or milk yield will most likely change in future, as new traits such as RFI are likely to be included in selection goals, particularly in beef, but possibly also in dairy cattle, responding to the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture or the economic necessity for improved feed use efficiency. Having identified the optimal breeds or crosses for a given production system, there are opportunities for further genetic improvement via selection of the best parents within the chosen breed, or within each of the breeds making up the chosen crossbreed. In practice, most North American AI companies will DNA test and subsequently discard 10 to 20 genetically inferior bull calves for every elite young bull that enters the program. (pp. Genetic parameters and economic values of traits other than production for dairy cattle. Waiblinger, S., Menke, C., and Fölsch, D. W. (2003). Temperament traits such as fearfulness or aggressiveness are important to consider as they affect how the animal responds to the husbandry and handling conditions on the farm and during procedures like transport. C. Genetic and phenotypic characterisation of animal, carcass, and meat quality traits from temperate and tropically adapted beef breeds. Anim. Sci. Accuracy of direct genomic values for functional traits in Brown Swiss cattle. doi: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.06.025, Hulsman Hanna, L. L., Garrick, D. J., Gill, C. A., Herring, A. D., Riggs, P. K., Miller, R. K., et al. Holstein Association USA Genomic Testing Services. This heritability (h2 = 0.13 to 0.17) is lower than the heritability of milk yield (h2~0.30), but it is high enough to allow selection for lower rectal temperature under heat stress. Curley, K. O. Jr., Schuehle Pfeiffer, C. E., King, D. A., Savell, J. W., Vann, R. C., Welsh, T. H., et al. S. This history may have produced animals that are genetically less predisposed to fear humans and restraint, and which show less genetic variation in response to handling. A large number of studies have estimated heritability for the three major handling traits in beef cattle and also for milking temperament in dairy cattle (Tables 1–4). Behav. Instead of waiting a minimum of 4.5 years to use progeny-tested bulls as sires of sons, AI companies can use the best DNA-tested young bulls as sires of sons by roughly 1 year of age. A dominant “slick” gene first described in Senepol breed of beef cattle in the Virgin Islands, that causes very short hair growth was introduced into Holsteins cows in Florida, and the resulting offspring were better able to regulate their body temperature during heat stress than cows with normal hair. There are other traits that have received less attention, but which show good repeatability. 71, 467–476. Moreover, König et al. GWAS followed by genomic selection is thought to be a particularly useful approach to improving traits that are difficult, expensive or time-consuming to measure, such as temperament traits. 10, 311–313. Once the trait has been measured in the reference population, candidates for selection from other similar populations need only be genotyped to predict their genetic merit for temperament (though associations need to be re-estimated periodically). 116, 163–173. In addition, most of the elite young males are closely related to the elite young females in the same population because both were created from the same donor dams in MOET and IVF programs. Agr. Production and processing studies on calpain-system gene markers for tenderness in Brahman cattle: 1. Appl. B. J. Animals may struggle, show agitated movements, attempt to escape, vocalize, show increased respiration rates, defaecate, show changes in their ear, head and tail positions and facial expressions and be more or less motivated to move away from the handling area or handler.


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